I was having a great conversation with one of our members a few weeks ago. She’d been having some trouble with consistency in getting to the gym.
I asked her a question. “Would the things that are getting in your way really be that much worse if you took just an hour to get a workout in?”
I’ve said this many many times before, but the number one most important thing when it comes to getting results is consistency. WITHOUT CONSISTENCY NOTHING ELSE MATTERS!! Do I need to say that again?
This is why I am on a campaign to get you to “Just Say No!”
What do I mean? I mean put your workout time on your schedule and JUST SAY NO to anything that would mean missing it. I guarantee you that the world will go on if you take an hour to yourself.
Listen, I know that things are crazy out there. We all have 1000 things that are screaming for our attention every second of every day. I know how hard it can be to balance all of it out. I also know that these things are not going anywhere, and that even though we are absolutely convinced that it will all fall apart if we step away for one second…..
it won’t.
So I ask you to just try it this week. Pretty please for me?
Put your workouts on your schedule and just do them. Whatever you have going on forget about it and go. See what happens.
I’m guessing that what happens is that you wind up feeling pretty good about doing something positive for yourself.
Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, FMS Castro Valley Fitness @ 2861 Grove Way 510-755-9191 Mitch@CastroValleyFitness.com