Hello all. I just wanted to give everyone a quick update about my own training. It’s been going well. This morning I deadlifted 335 lbs. for nine reps. I think I’m right on track for my 400 deadlift, 400 box squat and 175 overhead press. I’m pretty sure I’ll crush the deadlift and box squat and probably just get the press, but I don’t know about my 275 bench press. All my lifts keep going up, but my bench seems to be stuck. It’s got to be a technique issue but I can’t figure it out. I’m going to do this week, do a deload next week and then do some max lifts the week after that and see where I am. After that I’ll see where I want to go. If my bench is as far behind as I think it may be. I’ll probably try to focus on that. We’ll see what happens, though.
If I can get someone to video the lifts I’ll post them. In any case, we’ll talk again soon. Have a great day!
P.S. I’m having a few technical issues with mobile posting to the blog. If anyone out there has any clue about that, let me know and I’ll tell you what’s going on. Also, there’s not too much time left to let me know if you want me to start on Twitter. So far it’s a no go, so if you want some workout tips and other things like that from me via Twitter, rally around the cause and let me know. Last thing, I have a new article in tomorrow’s Castro Valley Forum. Let me know what you think. Hopefully it’ll make the San Leandro Times on Thursday. I’ll post a link as soon as one pops up. Have a great day!
Mitch Rothbardt MitchRothbardtTraining@yahoo.com 510-754-7113 Discover Your Strength!