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Mary Pt. 1

Mitchell Rothbardt

I had an idea. I thought that maybe if people heard from someone who was in their shoes, as in someone who was trying to get healthy but had their own concerns and fears, then maybe it would help give them the inspiration and courage to make some changes in their own life. I went to a client and asked her if she would help and she agreed but only if her name wasn’t mentioned. For the next little while I’m going to turn every other column over to her.

“Hello, everyone. I’m going to call myself Mary. About a month ago I lost my mom. She had lots of health issues from diabetes to heart problems. I’ve realized that I need to be serious about me. This is my wake up call. I worry about my health. My family has always had health and emotional problems. I want to see my son have a family. I want to retire with my husband. I want to be one of the seniors that I see walking holding hands. I have a lot to work on. I enjoy taking care of other people but I’ve never been good at making time for myself. I’ve been through cycles of watching what I eat and working out. I’ve tried everything from support groups to diet pills but I haven’t been able to stick to it. It doesn’t just effect me it effects my family, too. I have lost myself somewhere in me and I would really like to find myself again. I need this to make me feel good on the inside as well as the outside. I want to be able to wear a dress without feeling so insecure.

When Mitch asked me to write this I thought that maybe it would be help me commit. I’m good at keeping commitments to other people so I thought that my new commitment would be to whoever is reading this.

My biggest fears are failing and not finishing what I start. I fear my life changing and never taking a bite of chocolate or ice cream again.

Step one is going to bootcamp three or four times a week and walking one night a week. Next week I’m going to start eating desert only once a week and work on lowering my calorie intake. This past year I never got over 260 which is good for me. My goal is to drop 20-30 pounds in 2012. If it’s more that would be even better”. Every other column will be devoted to “Mary” and we’ll see how she’s progressing and what problems and fears she is dealing with. If you’d like to correspond with her to give her support, ask her questions or anything else, please email me at and I will pass it along to her. Have a great day!

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT 510-754-7113 Discover Your Strength!

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